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Arabic Speaking Course

Arabic is ranked at sixth position among the many languages and it is one of the oldest languages in the world. It is spoken in 24 countries as their native language by 250 million people, e.g. northern Africa, the Arabic peninsula, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. A major reason for learning to speak Arabic is that it is the second language of the Muslims all around the globe. It is considered to be the foundation of several other languages.

Why should you learn Arabic?

Arabic language unites all the Muslims across the world despite their cultural, traditional and linguistic differences. This unity stems from their common belief in Allah and his book of guidance, the Quran, which was sent down in Arabic language. Since the time of its revelation, Quran is still in its original form. It has been translated in different languages but there is always a need to understand the glorious words of Allah and for that we provide you with classes that help you learn and speak Arabic. The true meaning of Quran cannot be perceived, it cannot be recited properly, it cannot be comprehended when heard and definitely not acted upon unless we learn and understand Arabic. We use Arabic in our daily prayers but our prayers are meaningless unless we make an attempt to figure out what it means. The essence of the prayers is lost and it becomes nothing but a mere obligation one has to perform. We hope to help you in this regard to make your connection with Allah more purposeful


Arabic read course


Basics on Arabic language:

Arabic text is written from right to left. It has 28 consonantal phonemes (including two semi-vowels). Arabic is established on a root word system and each word is formed from three-letter roots. When written in English, the pronunciation of Arabic is a bit different than the way its spoken in English and some sounds don't exist in English like the glottal stop, usually transliterated by (') like in the word 'elm (science). The “q’’ sound from “Qatar” does not exist in English.

Our course outline:

Muslims frequently use Arabic words and phrases at different instances e.g. they say Insha’Allah

(God willing) when they talk about future, Masha'Allah (everything is from God) when they adore something and Bismillah (in God's name) when beginning to do something. They greet each other with Assalaamu 'alaykum, which means “Peace be with you,”. This every day use of Arabic becomes more meaningful when you know exactly what it means. We hope to make you fluent in Arabic with understanding of it.


We will introduce you to the Arabic language by teaching you its basics which will help you in differentiating between the Modern Standard Arabic and the spoken dialects. You will further get to know about the pronunciation and writing Arabic alphabets and words by the use of large-size letters, word examples, and pronunciation audio. Students will also be taught the use of verbs and nouns, and ways to read and write simple sentences in Arabic following some simple rules. There will be much focus on improving your vocabulary and strengthening your confidence in speaking Arabic.

 Duration: 3 Months

Recommended hours :3 lessons (hours) per week

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